Autism Essay Topics

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Autism Essay Topics

National Association of Special Education Teachers: Autism. Some of these files may require Adobe Reader for PDF files.

Teaching children with autism Autism in Child – National Association of Special Education Teachers. Essential updated Multiple Sclerosis information. Read about early symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & new medication options. Learn and connect with others living with.

  • Huntstock - Brand X Pictures - Getty Images 503876449 You hear a lot about how many children today are affected by autism. If you don't have a child with autism, or.
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  • I Rolled My Eyes at Parents Who Said Vaccines Caused Their Kids’ Autism.
  • Children with autism spectrum disorder have a higher number of mutations in their mitochondrial DNA than their family members, according to new research.
  • The Core Class "Every day I use what I have learned. To be a team player, to listen to the opinions of others, to try to be empathetic to the needs of others, and go.

These files are noted as PDF at the end of the site explanation. If you do not have Adobe Reader you can download it for free. ABA Resources for Recovery from Autism- Behavioral intervention (ABA) is a teaching method to help children with autism and related disorders develop to their maximum potential. Links to research, service providers, support groups, curriculum, and legal and special education information. ABA approach to Autism- The Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies offers a section of their web site to educating parents and other interested persons about the ABA approach.

Click on the section dealing with Parents. But what exactly is ABA?

How do you know if an intervention program works? Read more.. To top. Friends of Autistic People - FAP begins a new Networking Moms Group for all parents (dads welcome!) of children and adults with autism and other disabilities. There are four sections in the Advocacy Library:  Advocacy Articles: FAQs- Letters to Wrightslaw, Newsletter Archives, and Advocacy Tips.

Advocacy tips: general tips to follow in becoming your child with Autism's advocate. Siblings, spouses, ABA and other therapies, IEPs, Beginner's Guide to Autism, message board and online club. Especially those whose relative has not been correctly diagnosed until they are well into adulthood. People with Asperger syndrome have autism- like problems in areas of social interaction and communication, but have normal intelligence and verbal skills. Screening for autism is often done prior to a more specific in- depth assessment for autism. To top. Good overview: This article will discuss how various modes of technology (including technology designed as augmentative communication systems), can be used for children with autism. Assistive technology and augmentative communication: selective links to assistive technology and augmentative communication resources for children with Autism and other disabilities.

Autism education can also complement other interventions. The National Academy of Sciences (2. The Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis alone frequently includes articles discussing the teaching of interactive play skills, the development of creativity and spontaneity, and the development of conversational skills.

To top. Facing Autism: Giving Parents Reasons for Hope and Guidance for Help - This is one mother's account of coping with her son's autism. Within two months of his diagnosis, Ryan began intensive Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and with his mother tackled other related issues, including immune deficiency, food intolerance, and obsessive- compulsive behaviors. Reports From My Life with Autism - A high- functioning autistic, Grandin presents linked articles on her life and her work as an animal scientist. Toilet Training for Individuals with Autism and Related Disorders. Let Me Hear Your Voice: A Family’s Triumph Over Autism - A vivid and uplifting story of how a family pulled not one but two children out of the torments of autism- -and into a normal life. Convinced that the inability to digest certain proteins was contributing to her son's condition and that his autism was related to his reaction to MMR vaccines, Seroussi eliminated suspect foods from his diet; he made such dramatic improvement that, by age four, he was functioning normally.

It is an easy reference for using behavioral interventions. The committee explores what makes education effective for the child with autism and identifies specific characteristics of programs that work. Reports of significant improvements in health, pain reduction, language, food tolerance, socializing and other benefits emerge daily. Continuing the approach of supporting communication with visual strategies, this book contains many problem solving techniques.

Born healthy and happy, they lose their minds to a mysterious disorder for which there is no known cause or cure. Fortunately the disorder is rare, but more children may be affected every day, on every continent. It draws on the large, and increasing, body of work generated in recent years. In it, she tackles problems of diagnosis as these relate to therapeutic intervention.

So that the music therapist can meet the child on his or her own terms spontaneously, much of the music is improvised. A Passion to Believe: Autism and the Facilitated Communication Phenomenon - In this volume Dr. Twachtman- Cullen presents an in- depth analysis of facilitated communication (FC) in the context of the larger movement it represents. Understanding the essence of the controversies, Dr. Twachtman- Cullen continually reminds the reader of the most central issues.

Her penetrating analysis of FC is reasonable, logical, and compelling. Subsequent research has modified this impression. It is clear that most children with autism do exhibit problems in the first year or year and a half of life, but a small group of children develop autism, or something very similar to it, after what appears to be 1 or even 2 years of normal development. Leo Kanner, a psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins University, wrote the first paper applying the term 'autism' to a group of children who were self- absorbed and who had severe social, communication, and behavioral problems.

This paper provides a general overview of the complexity of this developmental disability by summarizing many of the major topics in autism. Some believe that a combination of the wrong foods and too many antibiotics and environmental toxins can damage the colon and lead to physical and behavioral problems, including autism. There may be multiple causes. Thus we will review some of the proposed causes.

To top. General article including characteristics: Many autistic infants are different from birth. Two common characteristics they may exhibit include arching their back away from their caregiver to avoid physical contact and failing to anticipate being picked up (i. Although autism is defined by a certain set of behaviors, children and adults can exhibit any combination of the behaviors in any degree of severity. Over several months, a child with this disorder will deteriorate in intellectual, social, and language functioning from previously normal behavior.

Contrast DSM criteria for CDD with the other PDD disorders. Many professionals use the term PDD as a short way of saying PDDNOS. Some doctors, however, are hesitant to diagnose very young children with a specific type of PDD, such as Autistic Disorder, and therefore only use the general category label of PDD. This approach contributes to the confusion about the term. Autism Organizations: Given the CDD is one of the disorders along the autism spectrum, with symptoms quite similar to autism itself, you may also find useful information, assistance, and connection to local resources at any or all of the autism- related organizations. Educating students with Autism: As was said above, it's very difficult to locate information specific to CDD, let alone materials about educating students with this rare disorder. Since CDD is one of the disorders along the autism spectrum, with symptoms quite similar to autism itself, appropriate educational interventions will be those similar to what's used when educating students with autism.

Is there more than one type? Intervention may help to lessen disruptive behaviors, and education can teach self- help skills that allow for greater independence. While various pre- school models emphasize different program components, all share an emphasis on early, appropriate, and intensive educational interventions for young children. It is based on extensive clinical experience and more than 4. Many professionals use a variety of combination of methods.

Some professionals attempt to identify an individual student's learning style and modify curriculum and materials to suit the student's learning style. ABA assumes that children are more likely to repeat behaviors or responses that are rewarded (or .

These complementary therapies may include music, art or animal therapy and may be done on an individual basis or integrated into an educational program. These behaviors may be inappropriate, repetitive, aggressive and/or dangerous, and may include hand- flapping, finger- snapping, rocking, placing objects in one's mouth, and head- banging. Children with autism may engage in self- mutilation, such as eye- gouging or biting their arms; may show little or no sensitivity to burns or bruises; and may physically attack someone without provocation.

To top. Definition of PDD: Over the past few years, PDD has become a subject of increased attention among parents, professionals, and policymakers across the country. It is difficult to discuss the history of autism treatment without paying particular attention to the history of .

Functional assessment approaches include descriptive methods (e. ABC, time charts) and functional analysis. To top. To top. Incidence and some causes: There has been a lot of advancement in the diagnostic criteria, diagnostic tools and investigations, physician awareness and the confidence among healthcare workers to diagnose Autism at an early age. This has resulted in the revision of statistical data concerning this disorder. A Pdf file. To top.

A summary of special education law specific to autism. Subjects covered: Assessments, IEP, Stay Put, Least Restrictive Environment, Autism Services Parent Attachment to IEP, What is a Free Appropriate Education - FAPE, Extended School Year - ESY, Stay Put, Compensatory Education, Damages, Mediation and Due Process. To top. Autism spectrum medical issues: a family's personal journey in dealing with thetreatment of Autism.

One point that most professionals agree on is that early intervention is important; another is that most individuals with ASD respond well to highly structured, specialized programs. I have provided a brief discussion of allergies and food sensitivities below.

Autism and Family Relationships. Alison Singer's days became a blur eight years ago when her daughter Jodie, now nearly 1. Singer left the workforce temporarily and focused on her daughter. There were appointments for evaluations to schedule - - and then get to - - and numerous decisions to make. Singer - - who with her husband Dan also has an 8- and- a- half- year- old daughter, Lauren - - is now the executive vice president of Autism Speaks, an advocacy group.

She knows that autism and family relationships are intertwined. Setting up the appointments and therapy sessions is just part of the story for a family affected by autism. A diagnosis of autism changes family relationships and dynamics in ways Singer and other parents could never imagine until it happened to them. Autism and Family Relationships. Autism has been termed an epidemic. And while the dynamics vary from family to family, experts - - both health professionals and parents of children with autism - - tell Web. MD that five main areas of family functioning are commonly affected.

The degree of challenge may vary depending on the severity of the autism, but the autism- related issues that families have to deal with are similar - - whether a child is severely affected or has high- functioning autism. Autism and the Family: Issue 1 - - Adjusting Parental Expectations. Wright is national director of autism services for Easter Seals. Experts says that some of these expectations may not have even been verbalized, although they were in the back of parents' minds. For instance, most parents naturally expect their child to go to college or to pursue a career. Continued. Patrick is vice president of services for Easter Seals New Jersey.

Her son, Adam Martin, 1. PDD- NOS). Her other son, Mark Martin, 9, is developing typically. Patrick took solace from an essay titled . Kingsley compares the experience of finding out a child is disabled to planning a vacation trip to Italy, then finding out you're actually going to Holland. It's not horrible, just different, Kingsley writes. She suggests that if you spend your life mourning the lost trip to Italy you will never enjoy the special qualities of Holland. After you're there a bit, she says, you notice the charm - -tulips, windmills, Rembrandts.

Autism and the Family: Issue 2 - - Worrying About the Siblings of Autistic Children. Whether the child with autism is the first- born, in the middle, or the baby, parents often worry about the effect that dealing with the autism - - and the time commitment it involves - - will have on the other children. They did find, however, that it's more difficult for the non- disabled child to cope with the autistic sibling if multiple risk factors such as low income are present. Exactly why the siblings of autistic children scored better isn't known.

Wright says they may have a higher level of maturity from observing and being involved in the care of a child with autism. Many parents divide up the children. For example, the mother may take over a behavioral therapy session for the child with autism one day, and the father will take the other children out for a movie. Then they'll switch roles the next time. Continued. In most instances, Mc. Carton finds, the siblings really do love their autistic brother or sister.

For instance, a sibling who has observed a therapist telling the child with autism, . For instance, Mc. Carton says there are times when the siblings don't like the child with autism. It can occur at life transitions involving other children, such as a first sleepover or a first date. The sibling may worry about what the friend will think of his brother or sister who has autism. Or the child may be afraid the other kids will make fun of the brother or sister with autism.

Parents should know that it is a . Senator's son Nat, now 1. Her sons Max, 1. 6, and Ben, 1. The little one said Nat ruined his life,'' she says.

Men and women tend to react to the news differently, according to Mc. Carton, and that can add to the stress. Continued. But they hit the ground running. Men often retreat into work. There is no one with whom .

Families are already time- strapped dealing with behavioral therapists, many doctor appointments, and above- average financial stress. Even so, experts say, couples have to feed the relationship - - even if it's watching a video together or talking after the kids are asleep. Persuasive Essay Mapping.

It's also crucial to steal solo time just for yourself, Mc. Problem And Solution Essay Writing read more. Carton tells parents.

It can be going to Starbucks and having a cup of coffee by yourself for half an hour. It can be taking a shower for 1. Susan Senator says her husband, Ned Batchelder, seemed at first to let her handle everything when their son Nat was diagnosed with autism at age 3.

Then she started going to a support group and bringing home stories of others from the group. She says it's important to think through what can be done to make the child with autism - - who can become extremely upset by changes in routine that come with vacations - - more comfortable on a trip. A loving extended family, for instance, may rent a big beach house together, where everyone is free to pursue their Interests. Continued. Senator and her husband take their three boys to Cape Cod every year, an easy drive from their home.

My parents have a house near where we rent, and they can babysit. Gradually, they figured out what activities make Nat happy and content. Movie Essay Example. He boogie boarded, and his brothers could do it with him. That helps Jodie be free to bounce without disturbing other diners. Autism and the Family: Issue 5 - - Maintaining a Social Life. Keeping up outside friendships - - as a couple and as a family - - is healthy. But getting through picnics and parties can be difficult with an autistic child.

Many children with autism have trouble with social interactions and changes in routine. Still, parents find a way to cope. Continued. Kathleen Patrick sometimes asks friends who invite them for a party if they have a spare bedroom with a television to which her son can retreat if the crowd gets to be too much.

With more awareness about autism and what it is, parents may expect friends and acquaintances to be accommodating to their autistic child's needs. Maybe not, says Wright. I turned around and said .

Nat has taught me to be less uptight about those kinds of things. You can find enjoyment in odd places with these kids. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, July.

Website of James Williams. Welcome. to my website on autism. I live in Northbrook. Illinois, a Chicago. I am twenty- eight years old, and I have high- functioning autism.

I. present around the country on autism, and have several correspondences with. I also consult and have consulted at schools around the. United States, such as the Minnehaha Academy, Lionsgate Academy, P.

A. T. H. In. 2. 01. I was invited to serve on the steering committee for Safe. Minds, an autism. University of. Wisconsin- Madison Waisman Center. Prior to those invitations, I served as a volunteer parent leader. School Uniforms Debate Essay Questions read more. VPL) for Wisconsin FACETS, a support organization for families afflicted with.

In addition, I also served on the leadership. Camp R. O. C. K. S., a summer camp for children with autism from 2. The Self- Help. Guide For Special Kids and Their Parents, the author of two novels on. Out To Get Jack, and The. H. A. L. Experiment, and a newly published children. In addition, I am also a professional recorder. National. Hobo Convention.

On. my website, I have archived speeches I have given and the essays I have written. Scroll down to view the archives. To purchase my books online.

If. you have any questions or comments, or would like to arrange for me to speak at. Those interested in. You can also post your. If. you have come to this website looking for the other individual with autism who. James Williams, who is originally from Texas. Originally presented with.

Kate Gladstone. Sexuality From An Autistic. Perspective (2. 01.

A. Power. Point presentation about my unique perspective as a person with ASD on. Has been presented as a solo. Ruth Snyder. Based on these observations, this. Understanding: The Free Therapy(2.

Most. people have a need to understand what they are doing at all times. In this. presentation, I describe possible things that can happen if that need is not. A Whole New World(2.

A. presentation that describes problems that autistic people encounter in their. This was the first presentation I wrote. The Autism Empathy Test(2. A. presentation that discusses differences between autistic and neurotypical. It is also presented in the form of a. What To Do During An Autism. Cataclysm(2. 00. 5)A.

Auditory Training: My Personal. Experience and Thoughts(2.

A. presentation that talks about this therapy, which I have had several times. How Do Autism's Symptoms Relate. Abilities of Non- Autistic People?(2. A. presentation written for middle school students that relates autism to issues. Also available en Espanol. My Unconventional Life with Autism(2. A. presentation that discusses stories from my life, things I have observed, and.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of. Harry Potter book and film series. The Role of Context in Defining. Situations are discussed that show when such rules. A 3rd Grade Autism.

Reading List(2. 00. A. presentation for teachers that shows the appearance of autistic symptoms in. Interviews. Interview.

Salena Briana, Special Education Student (2. An interview with Salena Briana, a. University of Mary Washington, in. Fredericksburg, Virginia. Interview with. Lisa Wiederlight, Executive Director of Safe.

Minds (2. 01. 5)An. Lisa Wiederlight, the Executive Director of Safe. Minds, an. awareness organization based in Maryland, that teaches awareness of. Interview with Katie Anton. Founder of In Writing Tutoring Milwaukee (2. An. interview with Katie Anton, the founder of In Writing Tutoring Milwaukee, an. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Oakton Community College Autism. Interview(2. 01. 1)An. I gave with a student at Oakton.

Community College, in Des. Plaines, Illinois, for an English. Articles. Researching Issues of Autism and. Interesting Persuasive Essay Topics For Kids there. Characters with Autistic Tendencies in Children.

Originally written for the blog Autisable. A Response to the Tragedy in Newtown. Connecticut(2. 01. Originally written for a Facebook post on December. My First Adventures into Social Thinking(2. An. autobiographical essay about some of the unconventional social experiences I.

Michelle Garcia Winner. Published on the Age of Autism. Focus. Ask James Williams(2.

A. column published in S. I. Focus, a. quarterly magazine. On Curing Autism(2. Essay. published in the book .

The story is true, but all. Dates. on a Calendar(2. A. one- act play telling a story of a social misunderstanding. One- Way. Street / Music My Friend / In The Name of My Safety(2.

Three. poems I wrote describing autistic ways of thinking, two of which I wrote for my. Highlights from the Q+A Blog(2. Archived. questions that I have been given from my Q+A blog, as well as my answers. Recommended Viewing(2. A. list of movies that I enjoy, and recommend that people see them to enrich their.

The Wescott. Alphabet(1. A. collection of photographs representing the alphabet, taken in 1. About James Williams. Information. about the author. Links. Links. to other autism web sites, courtesy of the website of autistic author Will. Rogers. Any material on. I am given acknowledgement as the author.

However, this. site also contains copyrighted material, the use of which has not always been. I have utilized such material.

I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted. US Copyright Law. In accordance. with Title 1. U. S. C. Section 1.

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